OSRS Ironmen 👑

There are too many goddamn snowflake ironman accounts to keep track of, here’s a list of all that have a YouTube series. At least, those with more than 2 progress videos!

This list updates once a day1, feel free to add any missing playlists or read the announcement post.


Jump to:


Misc restrictions

Time restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
By Release (Quests)
(57 videos)
J1mmy 2019-03-16: I’m completing every Quest in order - By Release #1
2023-11-25: the theater of blood - By Release #49

Note: 7 later video(s) omitted2
By Release (BIS Items)
(9 videos)
Sound 2020-08-31: Completing Runescape one year at at time - Bis List #1
2021-08-30: I can’t believe this item didn’t exist in 2004 - Bis List Season 2: Episode 1
By Release (Content)
(15 videos)
Slayermusiq1 2018-02-01: [Time Traveller] Progress 1 - Playing as if it was 04 Jan 2001
2018-09-20: [Time Traveller] July 2003 - leftover footage
2005 Only
(29 videos)
Rargh 2018-12-02: 2005 HCIM: The Most Nostalgic Journey Yet (#1)
2019-10-12: Finally, some good RNG - 2005 Only (#29)

Unlock order restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
Combat Achievement Locked
(12 videos)
Vannaka 2023-06-19: RuneScape, But Everything Is Locked Behind Combat Achievements #1
2023-08-11: Bow Versus Prime - CA Locked #12
Task Locked
(8 videos)
null 2020-08-25: Private video
2020-09-23: Private video
Collection Log Locked
(8 videos)
Mr Jeza 2019-03-30: The Collectors Challenge - The Beginning - Ep1
2020-03-21: The Collector’s Challenge - Episode 8 - We be Impin’
Collection Log Locked
(4 videos)
Pulvy 2021-07-17: A New Adventure - Log Locked Episode #1 (Chunk HCIM)
2021-08-06: Fishing for Log Slots?! - Log Locked Episode #4 (Chunk HCIM)

Game feature restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
No XP / GP Trading
(6 videos)
Rendi 2022-02-18: The Ironman From Hell (#1)
2022-11-30: 3,000 Planks For A BED (#6)
Vision Restricted
(6 videos)
Flat Freddy OSRS 2021-01-03: Vision Restricted Ironman - #1 Stumbling around in the dark…
2021-05-05: [#6] To the moon! - Vision Restricted Ironman
Bug-abusing HCIM(?)
(19 videos)
Rendi 2021-07-01: Morytania: The Impossible Unlock #1
2024-07-17: Impling Surveillance
Loner UIM (No NPCs)
(15 videos)
TangledRS 2020-11-04: Runescape without NPCs - Loner UIM #1
2025-01-27: What Scorpia is Like For Someone Who Doesn’t Kill Bosses - Loner UIM (#14)
Boss Only
(16 videos)
Link’sOcarina 2019-01-13: Boss Only Account (Low Level bossing) - #1
2020-06-25: Banks only…Then we fight
Chests Only
(66 videos)
The OSRS Dream 2021-09-23: Only Chests - Hardcore Ironman Account #1
2022-09-04: Surrounded by Unique’s… - Only Chests Ironman Account #50

Note: 16 later video(s) omitted2
Chests Only
(15 videos)
Tellacon 2023-10-05: Runescape, But I Can Only Use Chests - Xtreme Chest Locked (#1)
2024-09-30: I’ve Never Picked Up a Drop… Now I’m Raiding
Shooting Stars Only (F2P)
(13 videos)
Impling Only 2021-05-02: Getting 1-99 Mining from F2P Shooting Stars - StarMinerF2P (#1)
2022-12-14: 1-99 Mining From F2P Shooting Stars - StarMinerF2P (THE JOURNEY)
Shooting Stars Only (P2P)
(21 videos)
Impling Only 2023-05-19: 200,000,000 Mining XP From Only Shooting Stars - StarMinerP2P (#1)
2025-01-20: It Took 100,000,000 Experience To Open A Single Casket
F2P No Shops / Quests
(7 videos)
Pawz 2023-08-22: F2P Ironman / No Shops / No Quests / Episode #1
2025-01-14: F2P Ironman / No Shops / No Quests / Episode #7
No Resource / NPC Respawns
(10 videos)
Speedy Deep 2022-11-24: Runescape with NO Respawns - 1nDone Ep1
2024-03-07: Unlocking Miscellania on the No Respawns Account - 1nDone Ep10
No Achievement Diary Tasks
(23 videos)
Twigwit 2021-05-03: OSRS No Diary Tasks Ironman - Episode #1
2022-04-19: The Fragment of Seren - No Diary Tasks Ironman Series Finale!
One Interaction Only (Bonfire Man)
(56 videos)
Marstead 2022-05-23: I must consume every resource in OSRS 🔥 Bonfire Man #1
2023-04-30: Sifting through 453 Dig Site Soil nodes 🔥 Bonfire Man #49

Note: 6 later video(s) omitted2

Meta restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
Bad Advice Only
(8 videos)
La Vie BAOIM 2020-08-26: Bad Advice Only Iron Man - HCIM Episode #0
2020-12-23: 30 Medium Clue Opening/Channel Update! - Season 1 Finale
One Level Per Episode
(51 videos)
Killoah 2019-08-18: One Level Per Episode Ironman - Episode 1
2021-09-16: One Level Per Episode Ironman - Episode 51 (NOW IN HD)

Note: 1 later video(s) omitted2
No Guides / Lore
(6 videos)
WeSkillNow 2021-06-16: How I finally stopped cheating in Runescape (OSRS w/ No Guide Part 1)
2021-07-17: She was in the way of my Quest Cape… (OSRS w/ No Guide Part 6)
No Guides / Lore / Plugins
(65 videos)
Alien Food 2023-05-18: Runescape, but I can’t use wiki, guides or plugins - Unguided #1
2024-07-19: Starting a quest took me 3 hours - Unguided #50

Note: 15 later video(s) omitted2

Other restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
Vampire HCIM
(14 videos)
VtheVictim 2018-11-27: Vampire Only HCIM (#1)
2019-04-16: Ashes to Ashes - Vampire HCIM (#14)
Bronzeman Mode
(4 videos)
Gudi 2019-02-09: I made my own OSRS game mode (#1)
2020-10-01: The Return of Bronzeman Mode (#4)
Generate Task
(120 videos)
Tedious 2019-04-11: I created a new way to play OSRS - GenerateTask #1
2020-08-03: Zulrah’s revenge - GenerateTask #50

Note: 70 later video(s) omitted2
Generate Task
(90 videos)
ShaduKat 2021-03-21: A new series begins today. - GenerateKats Ep 1
2022-09-11: 3/4 of the way there - GenerateKats Ep 49

Note: 40 later video(s) omitted2
Generate Combat Task
(24 videos)
Twigwit 2022-06-22: I am the Combat Tasker - Generate Combat Task Episode #1
2024-08-08: Cleaning up Moons and Rolling Death Tasks - Generate Combat Task #23
Hoarders (Treasure Chest Filling)
(5 videos)
Settled 2017-03-24: Ultimate Ironman - Hoarders - I Can Do Elite Clues???
2017-07-23: Ultimate Ironman - Hoarders - ELITES ARE AMAZING NOW!
Monsters In Level Order
(44 videos)
lunchbox 2020-06-30: i made a snowflake ironman account - snail fangs - episode 1
2021-11-07: criminal clue hunting - snail fangs - S3E9
Monsters In Level Order
(41 videos)
SemaNam 2020-10-01: Killing EVERY Monster in Runescape! - Besting the Bestiary #1
2022-05-12: 1,100 Easy Caskets, 61k HAM Members, and a Dream - B.T.B #41
1000 Only
(36 videos)
Vannaka 2020-07-29: 1000 Only #1 - Goblins (OSRS)
2024-05-11: 1000 Only #36 - Zombie Pirates (OSRS)
All-in-one Snowflakeman
(2 videos)
Inoox 2022-04-20: All in one Snowflake man #1 - A promising start
2022-05-13: All in one Snowflake man #2 - Exploring Zeah
(4 videos)
Caveman Only 2019-06-16: Getting out of Lumbridge - MonkManMode (#1)
2019-08-22: New gear tripled my Prayer bonus - MonkManMode (#4)
MonkManMode Tilelocked
(13 videos)
Theonicle 2022-06-07: ENTRANA LOCKED MONKMAN? - The Monks apprentice - #1
2023-05-25: Can i get an F in the chat - The Monks Apprentice #13
Music Cape
(38 videos)
Old School Soundscape 2022-05-27: Fresh Off Tutorial Island - Old School Soundscape Ep. 1
2024-11-26: POH Storage, FINALLY!!! - Old School Soundscape Ep. 37
Unlock Order Only
(36 videos)
FrankGlymes 2023-08-08: Runescape, but the skill guide controls how I level my account #1
2025-01-29: An unexpected unlock - Skill Guided
(8 videos)
Gilgidane 2023-10-20: Runescape, but I can only pick up trash (#1)
2024-12-17: Ya Dig? (#8)

Item restrictions

One item only restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
Raw Potatoes Only
(6 videos)
Rendi 2019-06-05: Potato Only HCIM - Intro / Ep. 1 [OSRS]
2019-06-05: Regicide vs. 16 Combat - Potato Only HCIM Ep. 6 - OSRS
Clue Scrolls Only
(107 videos)
Only Trails 2018-10-30: The Start Of A Journey - Clue Scroll Only Ironman #1
2019-09-25: It’s Time to Prepare…[SOTE!] - Clue Scroll Only Ironman #50

Note: 57 later video(s) omitted2
Clue Scrolls Only
(8 videos)
Frosty Bard 2019-09-13: A Clue-based UIM - ClueComplete #1
2022-02-18: The Medium Clue Saga begins… - ClueComplete #8
Clue Scrolls Only
(4 videos)
AshofHoles 2022-03-31: OSRS Snowflake Ironman - Clued Up EP 0 [Rules/Meta]
2022-03-31: OSRS Snowflake Ironman - Clued Up - EP 03 [A Very Shattered League]
Clue Scrolls Only
(85 videos)
Pulvy 2020-05-08: Humble Beginnings - Clue Scroll Ironman #1 (Hound Hunt)
2021-01-08: The Grind is FINALLY Over… - Clue Scroll Ironman #50 (Hound Hunt)

Note: 35 later video(s) omitted2
Implings Only
(52 videos)
Impling Only 2020-04-20: My Progress So Far - Impling Only UIM (#1)
2024-05-31: Only 300,000 Implings Left For 99 Hunter - Impling Only UIM (#48)

Note: 2 later video(s) omitted2

Excluding item restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
No Currencies
(5 videos)
NoCurrencies 2020-09-13: Escaping Free-to-Play - NoCurrencies UIM #1
2020-12-31: A Game of Fish and Frogs - NoCurrencies UIM #5
Vegan Only
(4 videos)
Anno 2020-11-03: The Vegan Locked RuneScape Account (#1)
2021-01-24: Agility changed me - Vegan Locked HCIM (#4)
Cheap Items Only
(16 videos)
Bekt 2021-01-15: 20% ONLY MAN MODE. EP1
2021-08-17: The first of many. 20% ONLY EP16
Slayer Drop Locked
(56 videos)
Vannaka 2021-03-04: I Locked My Ironman To Slayer Drops Only (SDL #1)
2023-10-20: I NEVER Expected This Demonic Luck - Slayer Drop Locked #50

Note: 6 later video(s) omitted2
Monster Drops Only (dynamic-playlist-data Rarest)
(14 videos)
ShaduKat 2023-01-08: I need the rarest drops to progress my new Ironman - RNGTest Ep 1
2023-12-03: I finally got an AVAS! - RNGTest Ep 14
No Stat-giving Gear
(5 videos)
NSG_Kuunda 2020-07-28: My New Challenge HC Ironman
2021-11-12: There’s Still Hope - Episode 4 - No Stats+ Gear Only HCIM
Untradeable Only
(4 videos)
Pelipper OSRS 2021-02-10: The Perfect Clue Reward: Untradeable Gear Only Ironman #1
2021-03-08: Fire Cape Planning: Untradeable Gear Only Ironman #4
Upgrade Gear In Order
(8 videos)
FlippingOldschool 2019-09-30: I Have Created a Unique Journey for my Ultimate Ironman! (Gear Up UIM #1)
2025-02-06: Runescape, but the skill guide controls how I level my account #1

Inventory restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
Inventory only UIM
(43 videos)
GameGoblinRS 2022-06-07: Runescape, but I’m basically a Gap-Year Backpacker - Bag-Only Ultimate Ironman #1
2024-08-16: Runescape’s Worst Skill made easy… - Invent-Only UIM #43
Inventory only UIM
(10 videos)
moopsh 2022-10-18: (#1) What’s a ‘one inv’ ? - New UIM Snowflake Series! - Account Overview
2023-11-05: (#10) My Revenge Against the Vampyre Nobles - uim+ adventure
1-inventory Slot Only
(4 videos)
Settled 2023-03-01: Runescape, but I only have 1 inventory slot (my goal is impossible)
2023-03-19: 1 Inventory Slot: The Finale (#4)

Skill restrictions

Combat restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
1 Defence HCIM
(25 videos)
trichter43 2018-05-08: 1 Defence HCIM - #1 Stranger Danger - Old School Runescape
2018-08-31: Hardcore Iron Man - #25 Duplicates - Old School Runescape
1 Defence HC UIM (S1)
(12 videos)
Verf 2020-03-25: I created a Hardcore Ultimate Ironman account - 1 Def HC UIM (#01)
2020-06-27: You’ve Spent 47 Days in the World - 1 Def HC UIM (#12)
1 Defence HC UIM (S2)
(15 videos)
Verf 2020-07-15: I took a different approach this time - 1 Def HC UIM (#01)
2023-11-14: After 2200 Hours my HC UIM is Ready..
Glass Cannon
(29 videos)
KempQ 2021-04-21: Taking Out an Entire Bot Farm on my New Ironman
2021-10-27: I Found New Ammo
Glass Cannon
(20 videos)
KempQ 2021-04-21: This Hidden Account Factory makes some of the Most Unique Accounts
2023-06-14: I Broke the Runescape Combat Formula
Pure Ironman
(71 videos)
Solo Mission 2018-08-19: 50 hours into my NEW Ironman Pure Account, 99 ALREADY! S1E1
2019-08-05: CHALLENGE MODE but on my 1 Defence Ironman

Note: 21 later video(s) omitted2

10HP restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
Level 3 UIM
(14 videos)
Navus 2016-06-18: 9 months of Ultimate lvl 3 Ironman progress - Navus
Level 3 HCIM
(4 videos)
Tedious 2019-03-22: I killed KBD on a Level 3 HCIM - OSRS Combat 3 PvM
2019-03-23: Killing Venenatis on a Level 3 account - OSRS Combat 3 PvM
3 Combat Fire Cape
(5 videos)
xzact 2019-12-24: 16 Combat Fire Cape
2020-01-19: journey to the 3 combat fire cape except it’s just the memes
10HP Ironman
(37 videos)
Mac H 2018-10-09: I made a 10hp Ironman account (#1)
2021-04-01: My 1800 Hour Build Is Nearly Complete
10HP Ironman
(13 videos)
Mac H 2020-12-05: I Made A Fresh 10HP Hardcore Ironman Account In Old School Runescape
2021-06-20: Has JAGeX Unfairly Targeted 10HP Accounts?
10HP Ironman
(39 videos)
Slayermusiq1 2016-09-26: 10HP IM Progress Vid 1: The downsides and short term future plans
2018-09-20: [10HP IM] Progress video 37,5 - some leftover footage
10HP Ironman (S1)
(14 videos)
KempQ 2017-04-03: 10HP Ironman - Solus Adamas Progress Video 1 and the level 3 Olm Pet
2023-03-01: The Hitpoints Stat is Overrated
10HP Ironman (S2)
(20 videos)
KempQ 2017-10-19: My FIRST RAIDS ITEM - 10HP Ironman Progress
2023-08-30: After 8 Years, I still can’t equip the Dragon Scimitar
(8 videos)
Zohi 2020-07-10: The 10HP Adventure Begins! (10HP UIM #1)
2020-08-08: Elvarg dies, Clue boots, LMS dynamic-playlist-data Raids! (10HP UIM #8)
(23 videos)
The OSRS Dream 2021-08-10: The UIM Series You Never Knew You Wanted: 10HP Ultimate Ironman Series Ep. 1
2021-11-07: The Most CRUCIAL Item On Our Account Unlocked! 10HP UIM Series

Skill order restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
99 One At A Time
(37 videos)
Ironfficient 2020-10-15: I made a 99 one at a time Ironman and it is so much fun (Ironfficient #1) - Agility 1
2024-01-12: Build this JS calculator in 15 minutes! 🖩
99 One At A Time
(7 videos)
Mindhandler 2023-07-16: Ultimate Iron Man one 99 at a Time Episode:1 13,689 books
2024-02-15: Ultimate Iron Man One 99 at a Time Episode:7 Tithes and Herbs
Evenly Levelled UIM
(6 videos)
Sicariiarum OSRS 2020-03-11: Journey to Base 2 Stats Without Banking – Evenly UIM – Episode 1
2020-03-31: Finally Base 5’s! and our first death… – Evenly UIM – Episode 6
One Level At A Time
(22 videos)
Slayermusiq1 2019-07-11: [Olaat #1] I started training my stats One Level At A Time
2020-08-19: [Olaat 22] levels 70 - 71

Specific skill restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
Magic Only
(51 videos)
trichter43 2019-02-03: Magic Only Iron Man #1 - Old School Runescape
2020-10-28: Magic Only Iron Man #51 - Old School Runescape

Note: 1 later video(s) omitted2
Magic Only
(11 videos)
null 2020-04-23: Private video
2020-08-10: Private video
Magic Only
(7 videos)
Tedious 2019-03-26: Introduction - Mage only ironman #0
2019-03-26: I got a raids unique! - Mage only ironman #5
Melee Only
(36 videos)
Overfletch 2019-02-09: I Can NEVER Train my Magic and Ranged: Melee Only Ironman #1
2021-05-02: Melee Only Ironman Vs. Corp [Full Journey]
Slayer Only
(8 videos)
Frosty Bard 2018-08-05: Slayer-Only Ironman - Episode 1
2019-02-27: Combat-Only Ironman - Episode 8: Several months later…
Slayer Only
(22 videos)
FlippingOldschool 2018-08-30: New Slayer Only Ironman Account! No Shops and Task Only Monsters - #1 - Slayer Only Ironman [OSRS]
2019-09-06: The Only Way to get My Defender is from this Rare Task! - Slayer Only Ironman #22 [OSRS]

Location restrictions

Tile / chunk restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
(33 videos)
Settled 2022-03-27: Runescape, but every 1,000xp I unlock a tile - #1
2024-03-12: The End of Tileman Mode
PvP HC Tileman
(5 videos)
Zephyr 2024-03-14: I restricted my HCIM to PvP Worlds 1 tile at a time (#1)
2025-01-30: This Item Cost My PvP Hardcore Tileman 1500 Tiles
(12 videos)
UIM Tileman 2020-10-14: I made one of the most extreme snowflake uim’s in osrs (Ultimate Tileman #1)
2022-04-07: Burning through tiles! (Ultimate Tileman #11)
(13 videos)
sram1337 2020-04-16: Rat Bane—Tilebound Ep. 1 (1 Tile per 1,000xp Ironman)
2021-01-11: The Drunk Monk—Tilebound Ep. 13 (1 Tile per 1,000xp Ironman)
Tileman (1)
(19 videos)
pip 2022-04-06: I tried Settled’s Tile-man Mode at a Unique Spot… (It was surprisingly fun)
2022-12-15: THE RETURN - tile-man #19
Tileman (2)
(7 videos)
pip 2023-03-28: Tileman, but its WAY Harder (Xtreme Tile-man #1)
2024-02-29: Runescape Lurers are using Maxed Accounts for a new Lure
(2 videos)
LyaoRS 2021-04-05: I walk over every Tile on Tutorial Island - Walkman
Regionlocked (No returning)
(3 videos)
C Engineer 2023-05-04: Once I leave a Region, I can never go back (Regioneer #1)
2023-06-22: I’ve got a 500,000,000gp bounty on my account #3
Regionlocked (Wildy)
(30 videos)
Framed 2019-04-19: I Gridlocked my new RuneScape account (#1)
2020-04-02: I had one last thing to do (#30 Finale)
Chunklocked (By combat achievements)
(10 videos)
Lunitar 2023-05-25: I have to kill Obor with Nettle Tea to unlock a new Chunk (Ca-Chunk #1)
2024-02-10: The Chunklocked Firecape (Ca-Chunk #10)
Chunklocked (By drop table)
(11 videos)
Citizenscape 2023-09-22: Conquering Old School Runescape’s drop tables - Drop-X (#1)
2024-02-25: Viewer Submitted Challenge Bonus Episode - Drop-X (#11)
Chunklocked (As GIM)
(34 videos)
ShaduKat 2021-10-17: The Castaways - Region Chunked GIM Ep 1
2022-12-25: Chunked GIM Finale - Ep 31
Chunklocked (Altar)
(8 videos)
Emperor Walnut 2022-03-07: Pray And Run! - Altar Chunk Ironman Ep 1.
2022-04-27: Karils Was The Key! - Altar Chunk Ironman Ep. 8
Chunklocked (Barbarian Assault)
(10 videos)
BA Chunk Man 2022-07-21: Xtreme One Chunk Ironman Barbarian Assault Edition 1
2022-12-30: Xtreme One Chunk Ironman Barbarian Assault Edition Episode 10 - BA Maze Man
Chunklocked (Barbarian Village)
(4 videos)
Skeldoor 2022-03-08: Barbarian Onechunk Ironman #1
2023-03-21: I Should Never Have Trusted Him - Barbarian Onechunk Ironman #4
Chunklocked (Baxtorian Falls)
(46 videos)
notmeta osrs 2021-04-29: A NEW ADVENTURE! - OSRS Ironman Progress Series #1
2022-03-30: I Missed this Upgrade - Chunk Unlock Ironman (#46)
Chunklocked (Canifis)
(43 videos)
Fray 2023-07-27: Xtreme Onechunk Ironman - Canifis Start - Episode 1
2025-02-05: I BROKE THE GAME with Runescape’s WORST Prayer
Chunklocked (Catherby)
(5 videos)
Your Savior Sync 2022-04-24: Humble Beginnings - Xtreme One Chunk Hardcore - Catherby Edition - Episode 1
2022-05-31: The Birth of a New Series - Just Get The Drop - Collection Log
Chunklocked (Catherby)
(12 videos)
cozyboy001 2023-09-02: Getting Cozy In Catherby (CHUNK MAN #1)
2024-04-06: Is This Our Biggest Unlock So Far? (CHUNK MAN #12)
Chunklocked (CoX)
(18 videos)
Agile Tom 2023-04-15: The Hardest Chunk in OSRS! Xtreme OneChunk Ironman (CoX Chunk) Episode #1
2025-01-25: I Got 99 Woodcutting Chopping ONLY Normal Trees #18
Chunklocked (Entrana)
(11 videos)
Entrana Bro 2022-08-22: Entrana Bro - Chunk HCIM: Episode 1 - Step Up
2022-11-28: Entrana Bro - Chunk HCIM: Episode 11 - Purpose [S1 Finale]
Chunklocked (Falador)
(10 videos)
BuzRS 2022-01-15: Supreme OneChunk Ironman #1 - Champion of Falador
2025-01-31: I Mined 622,726 Coal - Supreme OneChunk Ironman #10
Chunklocked (Gnome Maze)
(9 videos)
Soda Chunk 2023-02-28: Xtreme Chunk Ironman EP. 1 Gnome Maze. #Xtremechunkironman #chunkman #oldschoolrunescape
2025-01-25: Episode 8 : Extreme One Chunk Ironman. Ft: @GreysonOnlyKnows
Chunklocked (Grand Tree)
(22 videos)
Extreme Gnome 2023-01-01: Undergoing 40 Hours Of Gnome Labour For A Pineapple Pizza - Xtreme One Chunk Ironman #1
2025-01-19: The First Greenlog And A Huge Magic Upgrade For My Chunk-Locked Account
Chunklocked (Lake Molch)
(18 videos)
Mr Molch Man 2022-05-06: Ferox Enclave Chunk Locked // onechunk Ironman #1
2023-10-04: Why Ferox Enclave? // onechunk ironman #18
Chunklocked (Lava Maze)
(3 videos)
Darkhood 2022-04-12: Xtreme Chunk Locked HCIM LavaLocked SERIES - (EP.1)
2022-04-16: I MADE A CROSSBOW OUT OF A COW - Lava Locked Ep.2
Chunklocked (Lumbridge)
(16 videos)
Pelipper OSRS 2019-03-11: Rules [ChunkManOnly Episode 0]
2019-10-23: ChunkManOnly’s First Boss? [15]
Chunklocked (Lumbridge)
(78 videos)
2021-12-11: [OSRS] THE WORST CHUNK EVER - One Chunk at a Time #48

Note: 28 later video(s) omitted2
Chunklocked (Lumbridge)
(8 videos)
Youth onAsia 2019-06-18: [OSRS] 1ChunkNoBank - Episode 1: Breaking Free - Area restricted Ultimate Ironman
2019-07-21: [OSRS] 1ChunkNoBank - Episode 8: Chunk Knight Outpost - Area restricted Ultimate Ironman
Chunklocked (Lumbridge)
(15 videos)
Link’sOcarina 2019-07-16: Upgrade and Unlock - Episode 1
2020-07-14: Map Locked HCIM (Upgrade and Unlock)
Chunklocked (Lumbridge)
(46 videos)
Limpwurt 2021-01-17: Getting 99 Woodcutting With A Steel Axe While Never Leaving Lumbridge - Xtreme OneChunk ironman #1
2024-12-15: Slayer Locking My Account - Xtreme Onechunk Ironman #45
Chunklocked (POH)
(15 videos)
BioMasterZap OSRS 2021-07-14: Restricted to Rimmington - POH Bother: Ep. 1 - Chunk Locked UIM
2022-12-24: All I Want for Christmas - POH Bother: Ep. 15 - Chunk Locked UIM
Chunklocked (Zeah)
(30 videos)
Verf 2021-09-02: Xtreme Onechunk Ironman - Kourend Castle Edition (#01)
2024-09-18: 145,000 Bars: Starting The Lovakite Mission - Xtreme Onechunk Ironman (#27)
Chunklocked (Varrock)
(24 videos)
Crad Bhambers 2022-09-11: ChunkLyfe #1 - HCIM - I went 7x drop rate in my FIRST CHUNK! - Varrock Start
2025-01-26: 44693 Revenants later… 1 more could COMPLETE this death chunk - Chunklyfe #24
Chunklocked (Wizard’s Tower)
(11 videos)
notmeta osrs 2022-04-29: Onechunk Ironman: Wizards Tower (#1)
2023-03-25: Onechunk Ironman: Wizards Tower Edition (#11)
Chunklocked (Yanille)
(20 videos)
Josh Isn’t Gaming 2023-03-14: Semi-Xtreme Onechunk Ironman: Yanille Edition (#1)
2025-01-30: This Chunk is Ruining my Life

Area type restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
Castles Only
(3 videos)
Caveman Only 2018-07-01: New Beginnings, New Ridiculous Grinds - OSRS Castle Ironman (#1)
2018-11-05: Regarding the Future - OSRS Castle Ironman
F2P Areas Only
(5 videos)
Lunitar 2023-04-05: Freemium isn’t free (F2P+ UIM #1)
2023-05-08: My BIGGEST gear upgrades yet! (F2P+ UIM #5)
General Store Only
(4 videos)
EZScape 2016-06-19: General Store Only Episode 1 - First Flips - Oldschool Runescape
2016-06-19: General Store Only Episode 4 - Season Finale - Oldschool Runescape
Guilds Only
(10 videos)
Connor Roberson 2019-10-03: GUILDS ONLY (OSRS Restricted Account) Episode 1: Getting Started
2020-09-10: GUILDS ONLY (OSRS Restricted Ironman) 10: Catching Implings Forever
Hosidius Only
(3 videos)
Tellacon 2023-06-04: I Locked My Fresh Ironman To Hosidius (Ep #1)
2023-07-09: The Secret Method to Obtain This Iconic Weapon (Don’t do it)
Minigame Only
(4 videos)
ReallyBigBigfoot 2018-09-22: Minigame Only Ironman - Episode 1
2023-02-15: Minigame Only Ironman Episode 4: A New Enemy is on the Horizon
Minigame Only
(6 videos)
Impling Only 2023-02-09: Locked Behind 1/1,250 Pure Essence - Minigame Only GIM (#1)
2023-06-13: A Game Changing Jagex Update - Minigame Only GIM (#6)
Mountains Only
(10 videos)
Mountain Man 2022-02-07: Locked Out of All Cities and Towns (F2P UIM Ep 1)
2024-04-06: I Got Rank 50 at Obor Without Ever Entering a City (F2P UIM Ep 10)
Pathways Only
(17 videos)
Hanannie 2019-03-22: A Path Less Traveled - [1] Pathway Only Restricted Ironman
2019-09-04: A Love Letter to Pathway Only
Revenant Cave Only
(11 videos)
Tellacon 2023-02-26: I Locked My Fresh Account To The Revenant Caves (Ep #1)
2023-09-10: The Most Profitable Place to Train Combat - Revenant Locked
Settlements Only
(56 videos)
Citizenscape 2023-05-31: Citizenscape: Introduction
2024-05-26: Citizenscape: The sabotage of Arceuus

Note: 6 later video(s) omitted2
Underground Only
(35 videos)
Caveman Only 2017-05-13: The Grind for 5M Cash - OSRS Underground Ironman (#1)
2020-10-17: I think I’ve peaked - Caveman: Endgame #4
Water Only
(3 videos)
BulbiPlays 2020-01-11: Welcome to H2-07, My Snowflake Hardcore Ironman Account - H2-07 Ep 0
2020-01-21: The Obstacle to the West - H2-07 Episode 2

Area restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
Ardougne Only
(49 videos)
Inoox 2021-01-27: One Chunk Ironman - Ardougne Edition
2024-11-27: I Fletched 300k Broad Arrows to Roll A New Chunk - One Chunk at a Time
Asgarnia Only
(21 videos)
ShaduKat 2020-11-08: Asgarnia Only UIM Episode #0
2021-08-22: How to procrastinate - Asgarnia Only UIM Episode 11
Barrows Only
(36 videos)
Bekt 2019-07-26: I went to barrows at 4 combat, Barrows only. EP #1
2021-01-16: Tank you very much. Barrows Only EP36
Desert Only
(9 videos)
EZScape 2015-01-11: Desert Only Ironman Episode 1 Days 1-3 - Oldschool Runescape
2015-04-07: Desert Only Ironman Episode 9 Days 49-60 - Oldschool Runescape
Desert Only
(30 videos)
Lemony Apple 2018-06-19: OSRS Desert Only Ironman Episode 1
2019-06-23: Champion of the Desert! + Bank Update - Desert Only Ironman Episode 30
Desert Only
(13 videos)
Ezio 2019-02-01: Desert Only Ultimate Ironman Osrs - Restricted To Only The Desert #1
2020-09-11: I Spent 200 Hours Smithing To Get This… - Desert Only Ultimate Ironman Episode 13
Desert Only
(39 videos)
xRakine 2021-05-16: My UIM Is Locked to the Desert… (Deserted Ep. 1)
2024-11-24: A New ToA Unique? Fine I’ll Post a Video… (Desert-Locked UIM)
Falador Only
(38 videos)
NSG_Kuunda 2020-11-04: Falador Only Ultimate Ironman - Petty Crime In White Knight City - Episode 0
2024-12-07: Falador UIM # 25 - 3/?
Fossil Island Only
(31 videos)
Bekt 2019-07-26: RE-UPLOADED EP1 Fossil Island Only UIM Series (my first ever video)
2020-11-25: Underwater fossil island agility Guide 2019 (EASY METHOD)
Fremennik Only
(23 videos)
Lemony Apple 2019-06-29: The Lord of the Rings - Fremennik Only Ironman Episode 1
2023-07-06: Road to God Wars - Fremennik Only Ironman Episode 22 (Act II)
Gnome Only
(21 videos)
Army of One 2019-05-12: Meet GNOMELY - OSRS Gnome Only Ironman, Episode 1
God Wars Only
(21 videos)
Army of One 2019-05-12: Meet GNOMELY - OSRS Gnome Only Ironman, Episode 1
Grand Exchange Only
(34 videos)
FlippingOldschool 2020-10-18: I Started A New Account That Can Never Leave the Grand Exchange! GE Only #1 [OSRS]
2022-12-19: It Took 2 Years to Complete my Grand Exchange Locked Challenge! GE Only #34 [OSRS]
Kandarin Only
(16 videos)
Majin Snorlax Gaming 2020-11-01: OSRS Kandarin Only Ironman part 1 Ardougne Only?
2020-11-01: Kandarin Only Ironman (15) Never Grinding That Again
Kandarin Only
(4 videos)
McFoxerton 2020-08-30: Tale of a Great Hero - Kandarin Locked Introduction
2020-10-11: There’s Always An Exception! - Kandarin Locked Ironman #3
Karamja Only
(56 videos)
Verf 2021-10-27: Karamja Locked: The Full 7000 Hour RuneScape Journey
2020-05-02: The Dragon Med Helm Revenge - Karamja Only UIM (#44)

Note: 6 later video(s) omitted2
Lumby Chicken Farm Only
(9 videos)
9Rain 2019-01-26: Lumbridge Chicken Farm Only HCIM? - [#1]
2019-02-12: Agility Doesn’t Make Any Sense - [#9]
Lumby / Draynor Only
(13 videos)
9Rain 2019-02-06: A Legend is Born - Lumbridge/Draynor Only HCIM - Series Trailer
2019-05-23: One Kick Rick Season One Finale - Lumbridge/Draynor HCIM - ep.12
Lumbbington Only
(13 videos)
Josh Isn’t Gaming 2022-06-27: Lumbridge Locked… For Now - Lumbbington UIM #1
2023-09-23: The Secrets of Runescape’s Most Iconic Area
Morytania Only
(33 videos)
Settled 2018-12-21: I locked my fresh Ultimate Ironman in Morytania (Swampletics #1)
2021-12-10: Swampletics: The Finale (#33)
Northern Only
(20 videos)
Jeporite 2021-01-26: Nobody Will Talk to Me - Northern UIM (#1)
2024-07-16: Repaying the Debt - Northern UIM (#20)
Tirannwn Only
(24 videos)
TurtleTale 2019-01-15: A Brand New World! - Tirannwn Only Ultimate Ironman #1
2020-11-30: 400 Hours Down, 400 More To Go! - Tirannwn Only Ultimate Ironman #24
Troll Only
(17 videos)
Waddleotl 2022-01-08: Trapped in Burthorpe with only one way out… - Troll Country Only UIM Ep.1
2022-06-23: Attacking the crazy arch outside of the wildly??? - Troll Country Only UIM Ep.15.5
Wildy Only
(10 videos)
Wildependant 2014-08-25: Wilderness Iron Man: Series 1 Episode 1
2014-08-25: Wilderness Iron Man: Series 1: Episode 6 [Part 2]
Wildy Only
(47 videos)
Wildanator 2020-06-30: New beginnings - Wilderness only ironman Ep.1
2022-02-04: Season 1 finale!! - Wilderness Only Ironman #47
Wildy Only
(5 videos)
Wild and Fe 2020-09-16: Wilderness Only Ironman #1: A New (very old) Beginning
2021-07-27: Wilderness Only Ironman #5: A New Cape
Wildy Only
(16 videos)
Vannaka 2020-05-19: A World Full Of Danger - P2P Wilderness UIM #1
2020-09-29: OSRS Wilderness UIM Update (Insane Future Plans)
Wildy Only (F2P)
(10 videos)
Vannaka 2020-05-22: Alone In The Dark - F2P Wilderness UIM #1
2020-05-13: 120 Hours Of F2P Wilderness UIM Progress (Full Season 1)
Wildy Only (F2P)
(15 videos)
Hectorlph 2017-10-31: Wilderness F2P UIM Episode 1 - Humble Beginnings
2020-09-27: Wilderness F2P UIM Episode 15 - Risking a Rebuild
Zeah Only
(94 videos)
Mr Frog 2021-03-30: Zeah Only Ultimate Iron Man - Cast Away - Overzeahlous - The Zeah Only UIM #01
2022-04-28: I Had To Climb To Rank 5 To Get This… - Overzeahlous #50 - Zeah Locked UIM

Note: 44 later video(s) omitted2
Zeah Only
(33 videos)
Spellsey 2016-01-15: The Zeah ONLY Ironman Challenge - Day 1 - Episode 1
2017-02-21: THE HUNT FOR DRAGON LEGS - The Final Episode - Zeah Only Ironman: Ep. 33
Zeah Only
(4 videos)
TheMageTank 2021-11-29: I Locked My New Ironman to Zeah (UIM #1) - New to OSRS
2022-06-14: It took me 26 hours to kill this dragon (Zeah UIM #4)

World-based restrictions

PVP world restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
PVP Worlds Only
(8 videos)
OSRS Curios 2020-06-15: I Locked My UIM to PvP Worlds ONLY (#1)
2020-07-20: I Went Hunting on PVP Worlds [As a UIM] (#8)
PVP Worlds Only
(77 videos)
C Engineer 2018-07-02: HCIM Limited to PVP Worlds [100% HCIM]
2021-07-09: Spying in the Clanchat Where Everyone Wants to Kill Me #9

Note: 27 later video(s) omitted2
PVP Worlds Only
(23 videos)
Zach S 2020-05-16: PVP HCIM Quest Completed [1% HCIM]
2022-11-02: It took 3 years but C Engineer Finally Killed my PVP HARDCORE
PVP Worlds Only
(6 videos)
Silvuh 2020-08-13: Osrs - The C Engineer Challenge #1
2020-09-15: The End? PvP Only HCIM #6
PVP Worlds Only
(3 videos)
GoinTyHard 2020-08-04: The Birth of HC RamenBoy [PVP Locked HCIM Episode 1]
2020-08-09: Back To Where We Started… [PVP Locked HCIM Episode 3]
PVP Worlds Only
(14 videos)
Broker 2020-08-12: PvP Only HCIM [#1] - Rooftop Jumpscares
2021-01-04: Corpse Husband is in this video.
PVP Worlds Only
(17 videos)
Hanannie 2020-09-08: I Dare You to Hunt Me Down // PvP Only HCIM
2022-05-04: Hannah Dies at the End // PvP Only HCIM
PVP Worlds Only
(34 videos)
Luke Marshall 2020-03-17: I Made A PvP World Only Ultimate Ironman on OSRS! (#0)
2020-11-02: I MADE A MAGIC LONGBOW - OSRS PvP World Only Ultimate Ironman (#33)
PVP Worlds Only
(14 videos)
Manked 2020-04-18: My Runescape Account is Locked in PvP worlds (#1)
2021-08-02: PvP V Zuk is on The Last Stretch
PVP Worlds Only
(17 videos)
RL Dark 2020-05-14: PvP Only HCIM [#1] - Taking the Challenge
2021-02-18: PvP Only HCIM [#17] - Jagex is Out to Get Me
PVP Worlds Only
(34 videos)
Teletuby 2020-06-17: Hardcore Ironman PVP Worlds #1 - Already Chanced lol
2021-07-06: This Is How It All Ends… - PVP HCIM FINALE
PVP Worlds Only
(27 videos)
Solo Mission 2020-09-11: If You PK This Account You Get 250M (PVP HCIM)
2021-07-02: One Year of PvP World Only HCIM [Full Series]
PVP Worlds Only
(27 videos)
Verf 2020-08-07: The PvP World HCIM Fire Cape Challenge (#1)
2022-10-14: C Engineer finally found my PvP HCIM..
PVP Worlds Only
(16 videos)
GoinTyHard 2020-08-15: [PVP Locked HCIM REMAKE#1] A Hero Reborn…
2021-03-27: A Little Too Confident - PvP Locked HCIM
PVP Worlds Only
(31 videos)
OSRS Dust 2020-09-11: The Beginning - PVP World HCIM #1
2021-03-15: The End of HCIMDustPVP - PVP World HCIM Finale
PVP Worlds Only
(5 videos)
null 2020-09-13: Private video
2020-12-05: Private video
PVP Worlds Only
(23 videos)
PVP Wijsheid 2020-09-17: PvP Wijsheid - Trailer of the HCIM locked in PvP
2021-03-29: PimpAct Found Me, TWICE? - PvP Locked HCIM - Episode 22
PVP Worlds Only
(6 videos)
61M 2021-02-13: A Rough Start ( PvP HCIM EP #1 )
2021-02-21: Hiding in the Shadows #6 ( PVP HCIM )
PVP Worlds Only
(14 videos)
Broker 2020-08-12: PvP Only HCIM [#1] - Rooftop Jumpscares
2021-01-04: Corpse Husband is in this video.
PVP Worlds Only
(13 videos)
poisonedpotion 2020-03-14: High Risk HCIM: The UNrestricted Account (S1) (#1)
2021-03-25: When Wildy Wakes - High Risk HCIM (S1) (#13)
PVP Worlds Only
(3 videos)
notmeta osrs 2022-12-21: HCIM But I’m Locked to Deadman Worlds
2023-01-07: HCIM but I’m Locked to the Deadliest World in Runescape (#3)
PVP Worlds Only (Questing)
(3 videos)
Slayermusiq1 2020-09-20: [PVP Quest 1] The experiment
2020-10-04: [PVP Quest 3] Unforeseen combo chanced me

Other world restrictions

Series ↕ Creator ↕ First video ↕ Latest video ↕
(4 videos)
WildMudkip 2020-03-26: Playing OSRS Without a Bank… Or Membership (F2P UIM #1)
2020-04-11: The Final Challenge (F2P UIM #4)
(19 videos)
Vannaka 2019-08-17: F2P HCIM #1 - Level 43 Prayer From Scatch!
2020-04-22: F2P HCIM #19 - I Finally Got The Drop!

Add a playlist

To add a playlist, raise a PR editing playlists.txt to include the playlist ID and name:

Alternatively, drop an email to [email protected] and I’ll add it manually.


  1. Uses a modified version of my YouTube channel script. 

  2. Note that only 50 playlist videos can be fetched at once via YouTube’s API, and pagination is not currently implemented.  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18